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Family Law & Divorce

We understand that Family Law can be a challenging and emotional area to navigate. That's why we provide a range of services to support you through this difficult time. We can provide guidance and representation for divorce applications, financial agreements, property settlements, and Court Orders. We am here to offer sound advice and support to help you achieve the best possible outcome for your situation. No matter how complex your case may be, we are committed to working with you to ensure a fair and just resolution.

Criminal & Traffic Law

Being charged with a criminal of traffic offence can be a daunting experience. We can support you through the Court process.

Wills & Estate Planning

Do you need a Will, or to update an existing Will, we can assist you.

Probabte, Estate Administration and Estate Disputes and Litigation

If you require assistance apply for a Grant of Probate or Letter of Administration for an Estate, we are here to help. We can also assist with legal issues related to wills, powers of attorney, probate, or estate disputes. We are equipped to navigate the complexities of wills, powers of attorney, probate applications, and offer support for will disputes and deceased estate disputes that may require court proceedings.

Civil and Commercial Disputes and Litigation

If you are involved in a dispute between two or more parties, we are here to help. We provide assistance and support to individuals and businesses in litigation proceedings across a range of Courts, including the Magistrates’, County, and Supreme Courts of Victoria, the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal and the Federal Court of Australia.

We can guide you through every stage of the legal process, from initial negotiations, Court appearances and final settlements. With our support and expertise, you can rest assured that your interests will be well-represented throughout the entire process. We are committed to providing personalised support and tailored solutions to meet your unique needs, so you can be confident that your case is in good hands. Let us work tirelessly to achieve the best possible outcome for you.

Debt Recovery

If you or your business is facing difficulties in recovering a debt, don't worry. We are here to help.

We understand the frustration and stress that comes with unpaid debts.

Our goal is to provide you with the necessary expertise and support to enforce outstanding debts against other parties. Whether the debt is owed to a business or an individual, we have the experience to handle it.

We can provide valuable advice, negotiate settlements, and even initiate legal proceedings if required.
With our guidance, we can work together to recover the money owed to you while protecting your rights throughout the process. Let us take the burden off your shoulders and help you get the results you need.

Conveyancing & Commercial Leases

Buying or selling a residential or commercial property, we can assist.

Employment Law

We understand how overwhelming it can be to deal with legal issues related to employment. That's why we offer comprehensive support and guidance for all aspects of employment-related legal matters. Whether you're facing a contract dispute, need help preparing or reviewing an employment contract, or are dealing with an employment dispute, we are here to assist you every step of the way.

If you need to make a Fair Work Application, we can provide you with the representation you need to navigate the process with confidence.

We can provide you with tailored advice and representation that is personalised to your unique situation.

Victims of Crime

The Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal (VOCAT) is a legislative body established to provide financial assistance to victims of violent crime in Victoria. Its primary role is to assists victims in their recovery from crime by providing financial assistance for expenses that have been or may be incurred as a direct result of the crime. Here at Bellman Legal Vic we are committed to providing support and ensuring that victims are assisted in their recovery from the act of violence and not left with the burden of expenses related to the crime.